>  Press release   >  Aguilar Castillo Love and Pellerano & Herrera advised Joint-Venture Com

Aguilar Castillo Love and Pellerano & Herrera advised Joint-Venture Com

Diebold Incorporated (NYSE-DBD) through Diebold Latin America Holding Company (DLAHC), formalized a Corporate Joint Venture with General Corporate Business Machines Corporation for the distribution and sale of ATMs and security equipment in Central America and the Caribbean. Warren W. Dettinger, Vice President & General Counsel of Diebold Incorporated, Chad F. Hesse, Corporate Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Diebold Incorporated and Jorge Gutierrez, now a member of Kluger, Peretz, Kaplan & Berlin PL, led the project. Aguilar Castillo Love participated in the transaction through five of its offices in the region, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, coordinating services with attorney Jorge Gutierrez, Alvaro Quesada Loría associate in Costa Rica, and partner John Aguilar Quesada. Legal services in Panama were rendered by Mizrachi, Davarro & Urriola through their partner David Mizrachi.

The legal services required in Belize, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Virgin Islands, were provided by the law firms Barrow & Williams, Pellerano & Herrera -Luis Pellerano, managing partner of the international department-, Cabinet Lissade, and Harney Westwood & Riegels, respectively. General Business Machine’s legal representation and services were provided by the company’s attorneys, Ernesto Cruz and Silvia Amador.

Source: Latin Counsel