>  Press release   >  United States Embassy honors entrepreneurs and journalists in the Dominican Republic

United States Embassy honors entrepreneurs and journalists in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo. The United States Embassy in this country granted the prize “Socios Estrellas” (Star Members) to entrepreneurs and Dominican journalists who have contributed to strengthen the friendly ties existing between the Dominican Republic and the United States of America. This award conferred by the Department of Commerce of the United States took place at the El Embajador Hotel. The act was directed by Roland Bullen, Charge d’Affaires of the United States Embassy in the Dominican Republic. The enterprises and persons who merited recognition were: Caribbean Traveling Network, presided by Miguel Calzada León; Carmen Carvajal, editor of the Sunday supplement of “Hoy” newspaper, and Textiles Astur (of the Velero trademark).

Also the United States Embassy gave an award to Televiaducto S.A., a television channel and telecable service provider; Editora Intercontinental S.A., (a company engaged in graphic impressions), and Athil & Martínez (importers and distributors of equipment and supplies for hotels and restaurants). Likewise, the American Chamber of Commerce was recognized in the organization area, mostly supported due to the constant backing given to the programs of the United States Commercial Service during an initiative which contributed towards an approach with the Northern zone of the country. Other awards rewards DAE-Grafimundo S.A. also received recognition. Eight negotiations were made by this firm during graphic fairs in the Americas from the year 2005 to 2006. Another Star Member prize was awarded to Travel Plus, who was recognized for its support given to the International Commercial Service Programs of the United States. Pellerano & Herrera was recognized for their support given to business missions, and their availability to orient and facilitate assistance on matters related to the new and existing legislation.

In the same manner, Stephen Wheeler, of the United States Embassy was selected as a Star Member for his contribution to the opening of the market, smoothing out the road in favor of American companies and the implementation of the DR-Cafta. Roland Bullen, Charge d’Affaires of the United States of America, stated: “We in the Embassy consider that we have friends in the Dominican Republic who are in fact our allies because they accompany us and support our activities…. allowing us to achieve our prime objectives such as strengthening the ties between Dominican Republic and the United States”.

Source: Listin Diario