“A solution to non responsibility clauses in private parking lots through the Civil Law theory: Dominican case”
Pellerano & Herrera launched the circulation of a book named “Una solución a las cláusulas de no responsabilidad en los parqueos privados a través de la teoría civilista: el caso dominicano” (“A solution to non responsibility clauses in private parking lots through the Civil Law theory: Dominican case”) by Rafael
“Ambit, perspectives, and challenges of the law that establish the Writ of Relief”
Santo Domingo. The Asociación Hipólito Herrera Billini “Por el Desarrollo de la Cultura Jurídica Dominicana” (For the development of the Dominican Juridical Culture) and Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) organized the panel “Ambit, perspectives, and challenges of the law which establishes the Writ of Relief” with the object of analyzing and commenting