Labor rights and obligations for both Dominican and foreign employees
Quite commonly, foreigners working in the Dominican Republic are unaware of their rights and obligations, those which are established in the Dominican Labor Code and are applicable to both Dominicans and foreigners, including those who are laboring in the country without the required legal permit. Rights So does this mean that foreigners
Law for Promoting the Film Industry of the Dominican Republic (No. 108-10)
Law for Promoting the Film Industry of the Dominican Republic (No. 108-10)
Inheriting Assets in the Dominican Republic
If a foreigner or Dominican citizen living abroad suffers the loss of a relative who lived in the Dominican Republic and left assets behind such as real estate, bank accounts, among others, many emotional and legal concerns will arise. What will happen with the assets left behind by my relative?
The National School for Judges and Prosecutors Recognized Dr. Juan Manuel Pellerano for his Contribution to Legal Education in the Country
The Dominican Republic’s National School for Judges and Prosecutors recognized Dr. Juan Manuel Pellerano Gómez, as honorary teacher of the school, for his great contribution to the development of educational excellence in the area of law in the country. Dr. Pellerano Gómez received the award from the Chief Justice of