“Ambit, perspectives, and challenges of the law that establish the Writ of Relief”
Santo Domingo. The Asociación Hipólito Herrera Billini “Por el Desarrollo de la Cultura Jurídica Dominicana” (For the development of the Dominican Juridical Culture) and Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) organized the panel “Ambit, perspectives, and challenges of the law which establishes the Writ of Relief” with the object of analyzing and commenting on Law No.476-03, dated November 30 of the year 2006, which establishes and regulates the Writ of Relief. The panel is framed within the activities of academic analysis and creation of the opinion carried out by the Asociación Hipólito Herrera Billini as well as the Iberoamericana University. The panel performed in the Hall of Acts of UNIBE University, with the presence of outstanding Dominican jurists, lawyers, law students and members of all the means of communication in the country. The panelists who participated were doctors Juan Manuel Pellerano Gómez, Founding Member of Pellerano & Herrera; Justiniano Montero, Judge of the Court of Appeal of the National District; and Attorney Abel Martínez, Delegate of the House of Representatives, proponent of said law, and Pellerano & Herrera. Also participating was Attorney Samuel Arias Arsenio, Judge of the Court of Appeal of the National District; and Attorney José B. Pérez Gómez, Dean of the UNIBE School of Law, who served as moderator.