>  Press release (Page 11)

With our deepest sorrow, we regret to inform that our dear friend and lawyer, Pauline Caamano has deceased. Pauline suffered a terrible accident and was recovering from it. Last minute complications caused her death on August 23rd, 2007. The Pellerano & Herrera family lost one of its most valuable members.

Santo Domingo. Fiscal experts defended the application of a fiscal strategic plan in the Dominican Republic which, they stated, will lead to the successful financial management of national enterprises. Specialists Pedro Urrutia and Ovadis Marmolejos, expressed during a seminar of “Fiscal Planning: an obligatory tool facing reforms and the NCF

The sale of Refinería Dominicana de Petróleo (Refidomsa) Shares was confirmed today following a meeting effected between a commission of said company and another commission integrated by high government officials in the office of the Minister of Finance. The first proposal made for the sale was to the Dominican Government,

Santo Domingo. The firm Pellerano & Herrera during a cocktail announced its awareness campaign to guide the population in regards to their rights and duties as are consigned in the Constitution of the Republic and other laws, in order to contribute to the legal knowledge of the population.   Dr. Ricardo Pellerano,

Enlaces, the first network of Angel Investors in the Dominican Republic, will be launched in the first National Forum of Entrepreneurship, Business Incubation and Risk Investments. The event will take place on the 23rd of this month, at the Hilton Hotel. Enlaces will have as their mission to bring the