>  Press release   >  Pellerano & Herrera Celebrates its 60th Anniversary

Pellerano & Herrera Celebrates its 60th Anniversary

The Dominican law firm Pellerano & Herrera initiated the celebration of its 60th anniversary with a mass officiated by Monsignor Francisco José Arnaiz, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa María de la Encarnación, best known as the first Cathedral of America, in the Dominican Republic, followed by a toast in the Cathedral’s gardens. Among the attendees was Mr. Juan Manuel Pellerano, founder of the firm, Ricardo Pellerano, managing partner, Luis Rafael Pellerano, Marielle Garrigó, Adolfo Toca, Mariangela Pellerano and Lucy Objío, partners of the firm, as well as the firm’s most important local and international clients, colleagues from the legal and business field, consuls and ambassadors from the principal international delegations in the Dominican Republic and employees of the institution.

During these 60 years, Pellerano & Herrera has maintained a continuous growth that has positioned the firm as one of the leading institutions in the Dominican legal market. The firm has been recognized by the prominent British research publisher, Chambers & Partners, as “Firm of the Year in Dominican Republic” in 2009, 2010 and 2011, being the only Dominican law firm that has received this award, the most prestigious in the legal area. Pellerano & Herrera has been involved in all major transactions in the Dominican Republic and has always been known for implementing the most assertive legal strategies and identifying new business opportunities for its clients. For over six decades, Pellerano & Herrera has contributed to the legal development of the Dominican Republic, providing assistance in protection of civil rights matters, such as freedom of press, right to information, freedom of expression and dissemination of ideas.

As part of its social responsibility program, the firm aims for the development of the legal education in the country. In 2009, along with the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), one of the most prestigious universities in the Dominican Republic, the firm created the first Masters in Legal Practice in the country, providing scholarships and internships in their offices to talented young lawyers. During these years, the firm has undergone several changes such as the diversification of its services, the strengthening of its administrative team and information systems, and the implementation of social responsibility plans, with the purpose of providing the best and most complete legal solutions to its clients. The experience of its founders along with the new generation of lawyers heading the firm, continue to strengthen the Pellerano & Herrera brand by promoting the implementation of the best business practices, new technologies, diversification, specialization and international expansion, aiming to maintain Pellerano & Herrera’s leadership for the next 60 years.