>  Resources (Page 15)

General 1 How common is project finance in your jurisdiction? In what sectors is project financing most common? Project finance is becoming increasingly common in our jurisdiction. Borrowers have realised that, in addition to the funds, the proper development of a project sometimes requires the expertise and supervision of a strategic ally that

Country-level Regulatory and Policy overview Child & Youth Finance International 1. Does your country have a specific policy or law regulating the access to financial products for children and youth? No.There is no specific policy or law, as pursuant to the provisions of Article 389 of the Civil Code the father is responsible

Over the past decade or so, the Dominican Republic, a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (“IOSCO”) and one of the countries that subscribes to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Principles of Corporate Governance, has taken numerous steps to modernize its banking and financial systems, from updating