Pellerano & Herrera The Pellerano & Herrera Foundation

Conference about “Constitution, interpretation, and unconstitutionality”

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The renowned jurist, Juan Manuel Pellerano Gomez, expressed his ideas and shared his knowledge during the conference “Constitution, interpretation and unconstitutionality” and at the end of the event presented his most recent publication. The event was organized by PUCMM University, the Foundation of Institutionalism and Justice (FINJUS) and the Hipolito Herrera Billini Foundation.

The conference took place in the TEP room in the PUCMM where dozens of law students assisted. The opening words were presented by Dr. Servio Tulio Castaños Guzman, executive vice president of the FINJUS. During the conference, Dr. Pellerano Gomez covered the following topics: General Overview of Dominican Law, interpretation of the law and interpretation of the Constitution. During his speech, the veteran attorney cited various cases for the contestation of suspension lawsuits. At the end of the conference Dr. Pellerano Gomez’s publication was distributed to the guests, who enjoyed a toast.

The publication will serve as a valuable source for law students and professors, as well as the entire legal community, since it is considered a fountain of inspiration and wisdom in the assessment of such transcendental subject as constitutional law. The publication concludes with attachments called "supplementary documents" that illustrate specific cases, which include defense memorials, conclusions and judgments.

Source: El Nuevo Diario

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