LATIN LAWYER Reference – Project Finance 2016 – Dominican Republic
General How common is project finance in your jurisdiction? In what sectors is project financing most common? Project finance is becoming increasingly common in our jurisdiction. Borrowers have realised that, in addition to the funds, the proper development of a project sometimes requires the expertise and supervision of a strategic ally that
LATINLAWYER Reference – Private Equity 2015 – Dominican Republic
What are the most common types of private equity transactions in your jurisdiction? Currently, the most common types of private equity transactions in the Dominican Republic consist of the acquisition of interests in local companies as controlling and in some cases, minority investments. Although less common, some of the most important transactions during
Getting the Deal Through: Banking Regulation 2015 – Dominican Republic
Read the PDF Getting the Deal Through- Banking Regulation 2015 - Dominican Republic
Expected Changes to Dominican Republic’s Labor Law Likely to Rebalance Employer-Employee Relationship
Read the PDF Expected Changes to Dominican Republic’s Labor Law Likely to Rebalance Employer-Employee Relationship
Business Opportunities Abound Under Dominican-Central America-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Read the PDF Business Opportunities Abound Under Dominican-Central America-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
Securitizations Simplified In The Dominican Republic
Over the past decade or so, the Dominican Republic, a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (“IOSCO”) and one of the countries that subscribes to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) Principles of Corporate Governance, has taken numerous steps to modernize its banking and financial systems, from updating
Dominican Republic Law Provides Significant Incentives to Film Industry
Almost 40 years ago, director Francis Ford Coppola went to the Dominican Republic to film the memorable Cuba scenes for The Godfather: Part II. As hospitable as the country was to the director, his crew and the actors at that time, things have gotten even better. The film industry in the
Benefits granted by the Dominican Social Security System
The Dominican Social Security System is regulated by Law 87-01, dated May 9, 2001 and by its corresponding regulations for application. The purpose of granting such law was to create the Dominican Social Security System (SDSS for its Spanish acronym) and to protect and provide benefits to all citizens regarding their
Deadline Extension for the Transformation and Adecuation of Dominican Companies
Law 73-10 regarding the deadline extension for Dominican company transformations and adecuations has recently been approved. This law was approved in reference to Law No.479-08 on Companies and Individual Enterprises with Limited Liability in the Dominican Republic, promulgated on December 11, 2008 announcing the new regulations and requirements for newly
Rights and Obligations for pregnant employees
As we have mentioned in a previous article, Labor Rights and Obligations for both Dominican and Foreign Employees, Dominican labor laws are applicable for both Dominican and foreign employees, in addition to pregnant women who are not the exception and whose rights and obligations will be discussed herein. Dominican labor laws